Red Canal


It wasn’t unusual to see Styrofoam drink cups from Circle K or chocolate bar wrappers in the waters of the slow moving canal water. There’s always some asshole who decides they can’t wait to walk past a garbage can to throw stuff away. Regardless, the ducks don’t usually mind. Depending on what the farmlands nearby need, the canal waters will go from near full to as low as a foot which exposes the heavier materials that are unable to float and move through fast enough. Threaded tires, torn clothes, and even concrete barricades will become exposed if the water is low enough. If you’re lucky, you’ll see some of the big catfish that somehow manage to survive in the filth. Canals are waste magnets.

Before I noticed the lumps of blonde hair rolling along side plastic bottles of the low waters, I was first distracted by the odd strains of red in the water as I jogged forward long the gravel path. Curious of the color unnatural to its surroundings, I quickly felt unease as my eyes followed to meet the thick red stained lumps of blonde hair at the end of the crimson red road.

I quicken my pace in an effort to finish my jog and to erase someone’s idea of a cruel joke. I’ve seen wigs and weaves float by plenty of times in sections of the canal that haven’t been filtered yet, but those are usually not attached by a red base. I’ve always been woozy when it comes to blood. I once cut open my middle finger while closing an umbrella at an outdoors charity event. I crushed it in between the runner and tip cup of the umbrella which caused the swift motion to slice my finger like a paper cutter. Seconds after seeing the gash and blood trickling out, my face turned quickly from dark tan to beige. If it wasn’t for the lady at the medical tent, I would’ve easily passed out like in the cartoons. Needless to say, I wasn’t prepared for the body up ahead.

It was all surreal. Seeing a dead body in films is far more less jarring than in real life. I don’t see why such hard regulations are put into both the movie and video game industries. Politicians fear society is being desensitized by images of gore and violent depictions. The problem with that theory is that I know going in that the blood being shed in Tarantino’s movies is just phenomenal work by the special effects department. I don’t have to fear for the safety of the actor because I can see them moving, breathing, and talking in advertisement interviews.

The body was unnaturally still. I’ve never seen a person so motionless. We all have twitches and quirks that keep us in motion even if it’s just breathing. She laid face down donning a grey trench coat that was securely tied with a matching belt. A few patches of thick maroon stains trailed from the collar to her lower back. Her bare feet and translucent skin made her resemble a kids doll half dressed. Her scalp was by far the most troubling. Two large parts of it were missing. Without going into more detail, human skin should not look like jaggedly torn cloth.

Once I made it to my car, I raced home, making sure that I drove just carefully enough to not get pulled over by the now heavy police presence as they drove by. It’s not that I have something to hide, but nerves and fear make me paranoid like a first time weed smoker. I do feel horrible for not helping out or calling the police myself, but I’d much rather not get involved. They say that whoever calls in a dead body becomes the first suspect in the case, and I’ve learned my lesson from the past.